Monday, July 23, 2007

Build My Gallows High at the Dinkytowner 8/6/06

These recordings are hit-or-miss in terms of sound quality, so perhaps it isn't a great idea to start with the best sounding one I've listened to yet. Maybe it would be a better idea to start with one that is roughly average amongst those that sound good enough to post. But in the interest of starting things off on a high note, I'm going with the former. I guess what I'm saying is, I wish they could all sound this good.

Build My Gallows High are one of Minneapolis's innumerable great and under appreciated bands. I'll admit that the whole "epic instrumental rock" deal has been done to death, but that only makes it all the more impressive that this band does it so well, without ever coming off as trite or derivative. I'm no expert on that particular sub-genre but I can tell you that I enjoy listening to these guys way more than Mogwai and at least as much as Explosions in the Sky.



1. Earthworm (5:16)
2. Princess Move-My-Monitor (4:24)
3. Creepy Neighbor (5:02)
4. Flesh of Five Beasts (5:47)
5. The Long Arm of the Lame (5:46)

Total running time: 26:15

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